59 Piece Balloons Set Happy Birthday Garland Party Confetti Deco

Item number NEW-580
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XXL Birthday Balloon Set

Here we offer you a huge balloon set of up to 59 pieces. Available in four different color combinations. The sets consist of high quality latex balloons, Happy Birthday garland as well as material to attach the balloons. Perfect for the next birthday party or surprise party! Shipping from Germany included!

The respective sets are composed as follows:


45x 10" White Latex Balloons

5x 12" Silver Metallic Latex Balloons

5x 12" Silver Confetti Latex Balloons

1x Happy-Birthday Banner

1x Triangle Banner

1x 5 m balloon fixing strip

2x Adhesive Dot Roll



20x 10" Pink Latex Balloons

10x 12" Green Metallic Latex Balloons

20x 10" Pearl Champagne Gold Latex Balloons

5x 12" Agate Pink Latex Balloons

1x Happy Birthday Banner

1x 5 m balloon fixing strip

1x Adhesive Dot Roll



10x 12" Gold Metallic Latex Balloons

20x 12" Silver Metallic Latex Balloons

20x 12" Blue Metallic Latex Balloons

1x Happy-Birthday Banner

1x Triangle Banner

1x 5 m balloon fixing strip

1x Adhesive Dot Roll



10x 12" Turquoise Latex Balloons

20x 10" Pink Latex Balloons

20x 10" Pink Latex Balloons

5x 12" Purple Metallic Latex Balloons

1x Happy Birthday Banner

1x 5 m balloon fixing strip

1x Adhesive Dot Roll

  • XXL DIY Balloon Set
  • incl. banner and fixing material
  • fillable with air or helium


CAUTION! Not suitable for children under 3 years.
CAUTION! Children under 8 years can choke on uninflated or burst balloons.
suffocate. Adult supervision is required. Uninflated balloons
Keep balloons away from children. Burst balloons must be removed immediately.
removed immediately. Keep away from eyes. Use a pump to inflate!
Made of natural rubber latex, which may cause allergies.